Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 6/30/24

Year: 2024

Research Articles


Prof. Dr. Ümmühan TURGUT OCAK Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Kimya Bölümü 0000-0003-3696-4736
Analytical Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Spectrometry
Prof. Dr. Selehattin YILMAZ Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universty, Faculty of Science And Arts, Department of Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry, Bioassays, Electroanalytical Chemistry, Sensor Technology, Separation Science
Chemical Sciences, Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Spectrometry, Environmental Engineering, Food Sciences

Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry focuses on recent studies in many disciplines regarding analytical chemistry. The journal provides the rapid publication of original research papers and critical reviews in fundamental and applied analytical chemistry. The submission of research papers concerning the development of new and critical analytical methods is welcome.

•    • Analytical materials
• Atomic methods
• Biochemical methods
• Chromatographic methods
• Electrochemical methods
• Environmental analysis
• Food analysis
• Forensic analysis
• Optical methods
• Pharmaceutical analysis
• Plant analysis
• Theoretical calculations
• Nanostructures for analytical purposes
• Chemometric methods
• Energy

Aims and Scope
“Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry” publishes original full-text research articles and reviews covering a variety of topics in analytical chemistry. Original research articles may be improved versions of known analytical methods. However, studies involving new and innovative methods are preferred. Topics covered include:
• Analytical materials
• Atomic methods
• Biochemical methods
• Chromatographic methods
• Electrochemical methods
• Environmental analysis
• Food analysis
• Forensic analysis
• Optical methods
• Pharmaceutical analysis
• Plant analysis
• Theoretical calculations
• Nanostructures for analytical purposes
• Chemometric methods

Manuscript Types

Research Articles
Original full-length research papers should not be published before. It should contain a reasonable number of tables and figures. Additional figures or tables may be submitted as Supporting Information file. Research Papers should be included Abstract, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, and Reference sections.

Reviews should be directed to topics of recent interest and not exceed 10000 words and 170 references. The format of review articles should be included Abstract, Main Text, Conclusions, and Reference sections. Funding and author contributions statements should be given before the reference list. Figures and tables should be given after the reference list.

Manuscript Preparation
Manuscripts should be prepared with Microsoft Word in English. A cover letter should be accompanied by each manuscript and contained statements clarifying that the manuscript has not been published previously or submitted for publication elsewhere, and there is no conflict of interest. All the responsibility belongs to the authors only in this subject. Times New Roman font size 12 should be used in the manuscript with 1.5 line spacing. The pages and all lines should be numbered.

Title Page
Article title, name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), address, telephone, fax numbers, and e-mail address of the corresponding author signed with an asterisk should be included.

Although the title is not too long, it should fully reflect the subject of the article.

Authors' first and last names should be written with only the first letter capitalized. ORCID numbers of the authors should be given. The institutions to which the authors are affiliated should be written from general to specific, city postal code and country should be specified. Telephone and Fax number of the corresponding author should be indicated. 


1 Süleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Science and Literature, Department of Chemistry, 32260, Isparta, Türkiye

The abstract should contain the purpose of the work, major results, and conclusions. Non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided in the abstract with a maximum of 250 words.

Authors should provide at least 3 and at most 6 keywords under the abstract on the same page.

Main Text
As of 1., 2., etc. numeration should be used for the main text. If necessary, as 1.1., 1.2., etc., and further as 1.1.1., 1.1.2., numerations may be used for subsections. All section titles should be written in bold and lowercase letters. The use of SI system units and symbols is required in the manuscript.

Optionally, contributions made to the study by other researchers and institutions should be expressed as briefly as possible in this section.

Arabic numeration in square brackets has been recommended to cite references in the text. The reference list should be prepared according to the following guidelines. For journal-title abbreviations, the web of science journal-title abbreviations has been recommended. Full stop (.) should not be used for abbreviations. The URL addresses of the Doi Numbers of the references should be given one line below the reference. For articles without a Doi number, the URL where the article can be accessed should be given.

The first letter of the author's name. Author's surname, Title of Book (publication number), Year, Publication place: Publisher.


[1]G.D. Christian, P.K. Dasgupta, K.A. Schug, Analytical Chemistry (7. edition), 2013, USA, Wiley.

Book chapter
The first letter of the author's name. Author's surname, Title of Chapter. Name of The Book, Editors: The first letter of the editor's name. The editor's surname, Year, Publication Place, Publisher.

Doi number


[2] J.H.T. Luong, Modification of Cyclodextrins to Control Their Guest-Host Chemistry and Their Applications, Chemosensors of Ion and Molecule Recognition, Editors: J.P. Desvergne, A.W. Czarnik, 1999, Netherlands, Kluwer.


Journal with volume and page number
The first letter of the author’s name. The author’s surname, Title of article, abbreviated Journal Name, Volume number, Year, Page Numbers.

Doi number


[3] S. Memon, A.A. Bhatti, Ü. Ocak, M. Ocak, New calix[4]arene based highly selective fluorescent probe for Al3+ and I-, Anal Methods, 7, 2015, 5114-5121.

Journal with volume and article number
The first letter of the author’s name. The author’s surname, Title of article, abbreviated Journal Name, Volume number, Year, Artical number.

Doi number


[4] J. Peng, Z. Zhao, M. Zheng, B. Su, X. Chen, X. Chen, Electrochemical synthesis of phosphorus and sulfur co-doped graphene quantum dots as efficient electrochemiluminescent immunomarkers for monitoring okadaic acid, Sensor Actuat B-Chem, 304, 2020, 127383.

Journal with article number
The first letter of the author’s name. The author’s surname, Title of article, Journal Name, Year, Artical number.

Doi number


[5] H. Alp, D. Başkan, A. Yaşar, N. Yaylı, Ü. Ocak, M. Ocak, Simultaneous determination of Sunset Yellow FCF, Allura Red AC, Quinoline Yellow WS, and Tartrazine in food samples by RP-HPLC, J Chem, 2018, 6486250.

The first letter of the author’s name. The author’s surname, Title of patent, Year, Patent number.


[6] R. Jacquet, Methods of Use for Eenothein A and B from Epilobium Species, 2018, 20180256619.

Web site
The first letter of the author’s name. The author’s surname (if present), Page title, Site title, Publication date, URL.


[7] DergiPark "New Article Workflow" Guide, DergiPark Akademik, 2020, https://dergipark.org.tr/en/

Abstract in conferences
The first letter of the author's name. Author's surname, Title of abstract (abstract), Name of the conference or title of the publication, Conference dates, Place of the conference, Year, Abstract number.


[8] B. Dalkıran, A.D. Özel, S. Parlayan, Ü. Ocak, E. Kılıç, Development of mercury (II) selective membrane electrode based a new lariat crown derivative (abstract), Sixth International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-Eastern European Countries, Sep 10-14, Sofia, 2008, Bulgaria, 4-P43.

Doctoral dissertation or master's thesis
The first letter of the author’s name. The author’s surname, Title of The Doctoral Dissertation or Master's Thesis, Doctoral dissertation or master's thesis, Institute Name, Year.


[9] A. Başoğlu, Azaflavanon-3-ol Bileşiği ile Yeni Bir Spektroflorimetrik Demir Tayini Metodunun Geliştirilmesi, Doctoral Dissertation, Karadeniz Technical University, Graduate Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, 2014.


[10] N. Özbek, Kalkon Türevi Bir Schiff Bazı ile Demir (III) Tayini için Yeni Bir Spektroflorimetrik Metot, Master's Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University, Graduate Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, 2016.

Article in press
The first letter of the author’s name. The author’s surname, Title of article, Journal Name, in press, Year, doi: number.


[11] I. Erik, G. Kiliç, E. Öztürk, Ş.A. Karaoğlu, N. Yaylı, Chemical composition, antimicrobial and lipase enzyme activity of essential oil and solvent extracts from Serapias orientalis subs. orientalis, Turk J Chem, in press, 2020, doi: 10.3906/kim-2005-51.

Bold Arabic numeration should be used for all figures consecutively according to the order of appearance in the text (Fig. 1. Fig. 2. etc.). Figure captions should be provided below each figure. Line drawings should be prepared by using suitable software like Origin, ChemDraw, ISIS/Draw, Microsoft Excel etc. Figures should be in their original form. They should not be placed as a picture.
All images should be prepared in high resolution and understood. A minimum resolution of 300 dpi is required for color images. Images should be prepared to the extent they will appear in the print.

Tables should be editable, numbered in bold Arabic numerals according to their appearance in the text, (Table 1. Table 2. etc.) and should have a descriptive title. If necessary, the footnotes should be written in 10 pt.


A forward slash (/) should be used to indicate units in the case of a section. Units should not be shown as exponential numbers. When writing temperature units, the degree sign should be added. The letter "o" or the number 0 should not be used as a superscript.

Example: g/L, mol/L, Gas Constant (8.314 J/mol/K), °C

Supplementary materials

It is preferable that authors provide supplementary materials for readers to see the data they may need, e.g. extra data/figures/tables, original spectra (NMR, TEM, MS) or chromatogram, etc. Supplementary materials will be included in the Supporting Information link. These materials will be evaluated by the referees but will be printed as accepted. Please submit all the supplementary materials as a single file (word file). Supplementary materials should be referred to in the main text.

All submission and evaluation procedures are carried out through a manuscript processing and journal archiving service “www.dergipark.org.tr”.

Authorship, Originality, and Plagiarism
The authors accept that the work is completely original and that the works of others have been appropriately cited or quoted in the text with the necessary permissions. The authors should avoid plagiarism. It is recommended that they check the article using appropriate software such as Ithenticate and CrossCheck. The responsibility for this matter rests entirely with the authors. All authors will be notified when the manuscript is submitted. If a change of author is needed, the reason for the change should be indicated. Once the manuscript is accepted, no author changes can be made.

Proofs will be carefully prepared to avoid corrections or changes after acceptance. Corresponding authors should check the proofs within the specified time and send corrections or changes as a word file in a list format that provides page and line numbers. Also, corrections can be sent as an explained pdf file of proofs.

Review process
In the first step, the editor will evaluate if the content of the manuscript is suitable for the aims and scope of the journal and then the blind review process will continue. The manuscript will be sent to two or three referees and, if necessary, to more referees. Referees may request more data related to the manuscript from the authors. After receiving the comments and suggestions of the referees, the editor makes a general evaluation and makes a final decision of acceptance or rejection.

Open Access with no page charges
The journal is a full Open Access journal with no page fees. Articles comply with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND) regulation and are available free of charge. For non-commercial purposes, it allows others to distribute and copy the paper, and to include authors in a collaborative work provided that they do not alter or modify the manuscript.

DergiPark Service
The journal uses DergiPark service (www.dergipark.org.tr) affiliated to TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM as an online system, which provides online hosting services and an editorial workflow management system.

TurkJAC follows ethical tasks and responsibilities are defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in publication procedure. Based on this guide, the rules regarding publication ethics are presented in the following sections.

Ethical Approval
Ethics committee approval must be obtained for studies on clinical and experimental regarding human and animals that require an ethical committee decision, this approval must be stated in the article and documented in the submission. In such articles, the statement that research and publication ethics are complied with should include. Information about the approval such as committee name, date, and number should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article.

1. In the preliminary evaluation of a submission, the editor of the journal evaluates the article's suitability for the purpose and scope of the journal, whether it is similar to other articles in the literature, and whether it meets the expectations regarding the language of writing. When it meets the mentioned criteria, the scientific evaluation process is started by assigning a section editor if necessary.
2. A peer-reviewed publication policy is employed in all original studies, taking into full account of possible problems due to related or conflicting interests.
3. Section editors work on the articles with a specific subject and their suggestion is effective in the journal editor’s decision about acceptance or rejection of the article.
4. No section editor contacts anyone except the authors, reviewers, and the journal editor about articles in the continued evaluation process.
5. In the journal editor's decision to accept or reject an article, in the addition of section editor’s suggestion in consequence of scientific reviewing, the importance of the article, clarity and originality are decisive. The final decision, in this case, belongs to the journal editor.

1. The authors should actively contribute to the design and execution of the work. Authorship should not be given to a person who does not have at least one specific task in the study.
2. Normally all authors are responsible for the content of the article. However, in interdisciplinary studies with many authors, the part that each author is responsible for should be explained in the cover letter.
3. Before the start of the study it would be better to determine the authors, contributors, and who will be acknowledged in order to avoid conflict in academic credits.
4. The corresponding author is one of the authors of the article submitted to the journal for publication. All communications will be conducted with this person until the publication of the article. The copyright form will be signed by the corresponding author on all the authors' behalf.
5. It is unacceptable to submit an article that has already been published entirely or partly in other publication media. In such situation, the responsibility lies with all authors. It is also unacceptable that the same article has been sent to TurkJAC and another journal simultaneously for publication. Authors should pay attention to this situation in terms of publication ethics.
6. Plagiarism from others' publications or their own publications and slicing of the same study is not acceptable.
7. All authors agree that the data presented in the article are real and original. In case of an error in the data presented, the authors have to be involved in the withdraw and correction process.
8. All authors must contribute to the peer-reviewed procedure.

1. Peer reviewers worked voluntarily are external experts assigned by editors to improve the submitted article.
2. It is extremely important that the referee performs the review on time so that the process does not prolong. Therefore, when the invitation is agreed upon, the reviewer is expected to do this on time. Also, the reviewer agrees that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the research, the authors, and/or the research funders.
3. Reviewers are expected not to share the articles reviewed with other people. The review process should be done securely.
4. Reviewers are scored according to criteria such as responding to the invitations, whether their evaluations are comprehensive and acting in accordance with deadlines, and the article submissions that they can make to TurkJAC are handled with priority.


All submission and evaluation procedures are carried out through a manuscript processing and journal archiving service “www.dergipark.org.tr”.

Authorship, Originality, and Plagiarism
The authors accept that the work is completely original and that the works of others have been appropriately cited or quoted in the text with the necessary permissions. The authors should avoid plagiarism. It is recommended that they check the article using appropriate software such as Ithenticate and CrossCheck. The responsibility for this matter rests entirely with the authors. All authors will be notified when the manuscript is submitted. If a change of author is needed, the reason for the change should be indicated. Once the manuscript is accepted, no author changes can be made.

Proofs will be carefully prepared to avoid corrections or changes after acceptance. Corresponding authors should check the proofs within the specified time and send corrections or changes as a word file in a list format that provides page and line numbers. Also, corrections can be sent as an explained pdf file of proofs.

Review process
In the first step, the editor will evaluate if the content of the manuscript is suitable for the aims and scope of the journal and then the blind review process will continue. The manuscript will be sent to two or three referees and, if necessary, to more referees. Referees may request more data related to the manuscript from the authors. After receiving the comments and suggestions of the referees, the editor makes a general evaluation and makes a final decision of acceptance or rejection.

Open Access with no page charges
The journal is a full Open Access journal with no page fees. Articles comply with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND) regulation and are available free of charge. For non-commercial purposes, it allows others to distribute and copy the paper, and to include authors in a collaborative work provided that they do not alter or modify the manuscript.

DergiPark Service
The journal uses DergiPark service (www.dergipark.org.tr) affiliated to TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM as an online system, which provides online hosting services and an editorial workflow management system.

Article submission/process operation is free of charge.